The colours of love - St. Valentine's day
Neste St. Valentine's Day, na disciplina de Inglês, os alunos dos 5º e 6º anos foram desafiados, através de uma actividade de brainstorming, a pensar em palavras positivas relacionadas com amor ou amizade, as quais foram sendo escritas no quadro.
Seguidamente, cada aluno escolheu uma dessas palavras, registou-a num coração, que decorou a gosto e colou num painel para formar um coração gigante que se encontra no atrium da escola.
Foi uma atividade diferente que teve desenvolvida com muito entusiasmo.
Que o amor/amizade nos torne a vida mais positiva!
Christmas Crackers - British tradition
Christmas is by the corner!
As docentes de Inglês do 1º e 2º ciclo, da EB Prof. Artur Nunes Vidal de Fermentelos, pediram aos seus alunos que, em casa, fizessem um "Christmas cracker" onde colocariam confettis e doces/bombons. Os "crackers" foram misturados e, nas aulas de Inglês, tendo em conta a situação pandémica, foram as docentes que distribuíram um a cada aluno.
Os alunos aderiram à atividade com bastante entusiasmo e a partilha foi digna de uma lágrima ao canto do olho!
Que consigamos, com coisas simples, trazer sorrisos e risadas ao coração das crianças numa época em que a pandemia persiste em não nos abandonar.
Nota: nem todos os alunos/turmas participaram nesta atividade dado o agravamento da situação pandémica que levou ao isolamento de alunos, turmas completas ou parciais.
Link da atividade:
Merry Christmas everybody!
St valentine's day texts

A unique feeling
There are different ways to express a feeling that is so delicate but at the same time so beautiful. People are all different and because they have a "cooler" personality, they still love or be loved. A gesture of solidarity, affection, dedication is also love. Love is to be there for everything, everything that is good but also for the most complicated moments, love is always to be faithful to the people around us and whom we like and show that they like us. Love is so important that you can't buy it.
Written by Mariana Rosa 8ºK
It's you

It's your smile, that warms my heart
It's your heart, that gives me love
It's your eyes, that are brighter than the stars
It's your kindness, that wins my heart
You're the one that I turn to the one that I call for
You're the one that I pull closest to me
Written by Reily 8ºK

My love
When I first saw
you my heart started to beat faster.
On Valentine's day, I want to tell you that I will always be by your side.
You are a flower that was born in my garden and I will water our love everyday!
You are a ray of sunshine that appeared to illuminate and give meaning to my life.
I will always love you!
Yours forever,
Written by Bernardo 9ºJ
É Carnaval - It's Carnival - (5ºE)
Porque estamos confinados, porque o Carnaval se adiou, assim como os sorrisos abertos, os abraços sinceros e a efusividade das crianças!
Porque também o Carnaval é quando quisermos, eu quis...
E o desafio foi lançado à minha Direção de Turma (5ºE): tinham de se mascarar, tirar uma foto, fazer a descrição (em inglês) do que traziam vestido. Aparecemos todos com a câmara desligada e eu descrevi-me para a turma adivinhar. Depois à contagem de 1, 2, 3 todos ligamos as câmaras! Pudessem ver a alegria, as gargalhadas, o brilho do olhar. (Quando entrei, dizia um aluno: era é fixe que a professora também viesse mascarada!").
E foi isto! Qual confinamento, qual Corona vírus, qual quê!!! Afinal é Carnaval!
"Hello! This is your teacher!
Today, it's Carnival, so this is my costume! I'm wearing a colourful clown wig, a colourful Christmas pyjamas, pink and grey socks and colourful slippers! I also put a pink clown nose and painted my cheeks in pink with a heart and a diamond! And you, what are you wearing?"
Algumas respostas dos alunos:
"I am disguised as a pirate. I'm wearing an eye patch on my right eye. I have a black hat with gold trimming. I have a black and red jacket with yellow trimming and gold buttons. I have a white lace shirt and white pants. I have a black belt, a sword and gun." - David Martins
"I'm wearing a pink dress with frills and lace, black heels with black laces, a blak cape and a brown headband with a bow." - Margarida Rodrigues
"Hello, my name is Vasco and I'm disguised as Dracula.
I´m wearing a Dracula cape with a hard collar and red buttons. I'm also wearing a white satin shirt, a red velvet vest adorned with painted black bats, black pants and shoes. I have a golden star-shaped medallion with a red stone, a black sceptre adorned with a silver skull.
My eyes and lips have black makeup. I' m very scary." - Vasco Timóteo
"I am an astronaut. I'm wearing a white helmet with black details, a white, blue, red and yellow astronaut suit with the American flag on one sleeve. On the front part of the suit, I have NASA logos. I'm also wearing a grey belt and grey suspenders." - Isac Cruz
"I'm wearing a dark blue and white T- shirt, dark blue shorts, white and dark blue socks and black football boots. So, I'm a FCP football player." - Pedro Duarte
"I have a pirate disguise. I'm wearing a black, white, red and golden with red and white stripes blouse, black trousers, brown and golden boots. I'm also wearing a brown and yellow belt, a white hat with a white skull and a bandana with red and white stripes." - Iris Seabra
"I'm a Queen's Guard. I´m wearing a black hat, a red shirt with golden buttons, black pants with red stripes." - Simão Dias
" Hello everyone. Today I'm wearing a pharaoh costume. It consists of a white T-shirt with golden applications on the sleeves and white pants. The belt is golden and blue and it has a triangular symbol in the centre. On my head I have a golden hat with golden applications too and a picture of a blue bird." - Gabriel Pinheiro "I'm a sailor girl. I'm wearing a white sailor's hat and a blue sailor's dress" - Iris Oliveira "I'm wearing a yellow chicken suit with red feathers. I also have a red crest. Iam a very vain and funny chicken" - Lourenço Massadas
"My Carnival costume: I'm wearing a white Egyptian dress (kalasiris), a white cape (shawl) and a gold, blue and red belt. I'm also wearing a golden, blue, red and green Egyptian lucky charm and a golden ribbon with an imitation of a blue pearl." - Margarida Baptista
"Hello! My outfit is a sailor's. I'm wearing a white, blue and red dress, with silver buttons, bows and anchors. My lips are red." - Yara Gomes
Halloween activity
Blood Gospel
Last winter Mr. Jesus drove his four children to Mrs Jessy's before going to an important meeting. When Mrs. Jessy asked the children to go to bed, she heard a horrified sound in the attic. She went upstairs and saw a red thick figure. She was petrified. She went downstairs, opened the door but she wasn´t successful. All doors and windows were locked. The house was turned into the demon´s playground for hunting people. Meanwhile she heard the children screaming a lot. She ran upstairs into the children´s bedroom.
The children were hanging on the ceiling bouncing with their eyes bleeding. Suddenly she saw the demon carrying a scythe. She had her arms cut.
When Mr.Jesus arrived, he rang the door's bell. The door was opened, nobody was inside. He went upstairs and saw his children dead. On the wall it was written in blood "You will be the next".
Written by 9K

What could go wrong?
One night, at Halloween, a group of friends were walking through a forest. It was raining black cats and bats. It was really dark and cold. Suddenly, they saw a mysterious girl. She was waving and smiling. She said: "Follow me!". Then she went in a mansion.
The teenagers knocked on the door and heard a mysterious voice calling them. They were frightened but didn't run away. They saw the girl shouting. She was hanged and bleeding a lot. When they saw the girl they were horrified, they tried to escape but the door was locked and when they looked back, they realized that two friends were missing.
They were searching for the missing friends .The ghost of the girl helped them find the missing friends. A black creepy demon was chasing them. The ghost caught the demon and put it inside a skull.
Written by 8J

Alone at Halloween
One day, at Halloween a little kid, George, was alone at home. He was watching a scaring movie in Netflix. George was feeling sad because his parents didn't let him to celebrate Halloween with his friends. Suddenly the light was switched off. When he was going to bed, the bell rang. Someone was at the door. He listened at the door and opened it. He didn't see anybody, then he closed the door. He went upstairs. When he opened the bedroom door, the bell rang nonstop. George heard a noise coming from the basement. Then the light was switched on and his parents and friends said: "Surprise! Happy Halloween". It was a nice party.
Written by 8I

Hallowe'en na Escola Artur Nunes Vidal, Fermentelos
A vida não pode parar e as bruxas precisam de máscaras originais para o Hallowe'en. Assim, os nossos alunos do 1º (ANV5 e ANV6) 2º ciclos responderam ao desafio e decoraram máscaras descartáveis com motivos alusivos a esta tradição vinda do Reino Unido e Estados Unidos da América.
Esta atividade foi desenvolvida interdisciplinarmente: os professores de Artes trabalharam com os alunos a decoração das máscaras; os professores de Inglês exploraram esta tradição; e os professores de Português do 2º ciclo consolidaram com os seus alunos a notícia, tendo estes escrito uma notícia sobre a atividade e que irá estar no jornal / blog A Bateira de Fermentelos.
Devido ao plano de contingência existente no agrupamento, consequência da pandemia do Corona vírus, não é possível fazer a exposição das máscaras no espaço comum da escola. Assim, estas estão expostas nas salas de aula dos alunos do 2º ciclo e foram temporariamente expostas (para registo fotográfico) nas salas do 1º ciclo.
Esperamos que gostem dos trabalhos dos nossos alunos!